August 1, 2008

In My Dreams...

When I was younger, I never imagined that this would be my life.  In many ways my life is exactly what I swore I didn't want.  Over time as I grew up and changed so did my goals and desires for what I wanted to accomplish in my life.  I know that I am truly blessed in many ways.  However, sometimes I still have dreams of a different life.  Sometimes I think these dreams come from my notion that "the grass is always greener...", but there are some things that one day I hope we get to experience.  My current desire is that I want to live closer to family.  I don't need to be wicked close, but maybe within 500 miles or so.  That would be a vast improvement from where I am and have been.  I wish I could raise Ryan in a small town like the one I grew up in.  During my visit home I saw what a great area I was raised in.  The military towns are just not the same and don't have the same feel.  I would love to have an older house with a large yard.  These newer houses where everything is cookie cutter lack the character that older houses have.  (My mother would laugh at me and tell me I'm crazy for wanting an older house.)  Most of all in my dreams Pat and I could watch Ryan grow up without always worrying and preparing for the next deployment.  I know all these things are pretty much impossible considering the Army guides our lives, but I can still dream.  

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