August 19, 2008

What Did I Get Myself Into?

Today I had the steering meeting for the FRG.  Let me just say it was MUCH more formal than our last unit.  They all seem nice, and Ryan did okay at the meeting.  I just hope that I can get him into daycare for the next one.  I am definitely feeling a bit overwhelmed and wondering what I've gotten myself into with this whole FRG leader role.  However, that is my typical personality.  When I was in school, every year after the first day of classes I would call my sister crying saying how hard it was and how I didn't think I could do it.  A couple days later I would be in the grove and doing fine.  I hope that is how this will turn out.  In some ways I'll have a bit less work than I had at Ft. Sill, but there are other things that leave me with WAY more responsibility/work.  I'm nervous and scared, but I do think this will be good for me.  

Tomorrow I'm bringing Abbey to the vet for her blood test (I think).  I'm really scared about how she's going to do with them taking her blood, and I'll have Ryan there too.  But as I said before I'll probably just push him into the hall for a minute.  Cross your fingers for me that it is quick and we all get home with our sanity.  I also looked up a little about the enzyme that I'll have to give Abbey.  From the medical papers they gave me and a bit of my own research it seems that a bottle of the medicine will last about 24 days.  It only costs between $129-186 a bottle.  And she's on it for life.  There is always a chance that it will turn out cheaper or that she'll need less of it, so we'll see.  I'm not going to worry about it now, and it really doesn't matter because we'll do what needs to be done.   

After the past few days, I'm just mentally and physically exhausted.  I look forward to tomorrow afternoon when I know all the hard things are done for the week, and I can just relax for a while.   

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Oh my goodness is that expensive!!!

You will do great as a FRG leader, you have already had experience! If you need any help, don't forget that I used to be one and Joe is the Rear D Commander right now so he has lots of experience dealing with crazy ladies!

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