I promise that I'll do a real post soon, but for right now I'm linking up for Five Question Friday.

1. Vow renewal ceremonies-yay or nay? Yay in general, but probably a nay for me personally. I think that renewing them is fine and great, but I just cannot see us spending money on doing something like that. Plus I don't think it could ever be as special as the first time.
2. What sound/s annoy you the most? Finger nails on a certain type of fabric. I think it is usually the sound of nails scratching rough nylon. I also do not like the sound of my husband cracking his knuckles. Oh and a weird one is I do not like when my husband or kids cough...I know I'm a pain in the butt.
3. If you had to pick, would you have only all boys, or only all girls for kids? As most anyone I would be so completely happy with either. I can say though that before I had children, I always pictured myself a mom to just boys. Right now I have two boys and hope to have another child. I'll be happy either way, and it will be interesting to see what happens.
4. Do you believe in alternative medicine? Sure. I don't think I've personally done much that is alternative, but I do think it is good to take a diverse and well-rounded approach to healing.
5. Would you take a family members children and raise them if they needed it? Of course, and they would do the same for me.

Stopping by from MamaM's. I think most of us have picked the fingernail thing. And it's funny you mentioned the cough thing....somebody totally cannot help coughing, and yet, Yeah, it can be absolutely annoying!
Have a great weekend!
Totally agree on Q1. Nothing will ever be as special as the very first time! : ) Happy Friday!
wow, i totally get the snapping knuckles thing!! my hubby does that all the time!! yuck :-(
nice to meet another military wife!! have a great weekend!
Hope things are going great! I agree with Number one, I just can't see us ever doing that. Maybe a big party/trip to celebrate, but I'm not into a "second wedding".
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