I'm loving the weather here in New England. There is a nice breeze every morning and evening, perfect for sitting outside. The only thing that would make the mornings better would be a hot cup of coffee.
I'm loving seeing the kids play and interact with family. We don't get this opportunity often, so I'm really enjoying it.
I'm loving that I get to cuddle the boys in bed at night. I may not get much sleep, but the three of us sleeping in a full size bed is a memory I'll keep.
I'm loving that Sean's potty training hasn't be interrupted by our trip. He's still not there yet, but he's doing pretty well.
I'm loving pinterest. I'm not sure I completely understand it yet, but I'm learning. You can find me here.
So there are a few things I'm loving in New England this Wednesday

Yay! me too I am loving PInterest. hope you are having fun over there!
Hi Shelly! Glad you are enjoying your trip! I am on pinterest too and I LOVE it!! I signed up to follow you. You can follow me too if you follow this link and then click follow all under my picture!
Have a great rest of your trip!
Pinterest is amazing...give it some time and you will be completely 100% addicted!!! :)
Happy Wednesday!
Jenn @ Going the Distance
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