- Pat and I were 22 when we got married. We were out of college less than a month.
- After our wedding we lived in separate states. I lived with my parents, and Pat was renting a room in a rundown college house. He was working as a recruiter for his college ROTC department. I should add that he was able to at least spend the weekends with me (at my parent's house).
- At the end of the summer Pat moved to OK. He drove out with his family. I stayed behind for my future sister-in-law's wedding shower. I finally joined Pat 1.5 months after he left.
- We shared one car for the first year of marriage.
- My parents bought me a dog for my birthday that year. We adopted a second dog early that spring.
- That spring we bought our first house.
- We celebrated our 1 year anniversary in June with a new house and two dogs.
- 4.5 months later Pat left for his first deployment, a year in Iraq. In the Army life, we were rather lucky to have had that whole first year together.
So our first year as newlyweds was not quite what the romance novels make it out to be, but I wouldn't change a thing.
Even though Pat and I have been bickering like two little kids lately, I am missing him a lot.

Your first year sounds very similar to ours except I was 21 and still a senior in college. Haha.
I am sorry you're missing Pat. :(
We were fortunate to get the first year together too. He deployed the month after our one year anniversary.
It's funny how we miss them.
It must have been so hard to be apart! I would be have been missing my husband like crazy!
Really??? I am a late bloomer!!!that is very young for me.See,everyone in my family didnt get married until almost 30. Do you cry when you miss your hubby?
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