Since there will be some new people stopping by, I want to tell you a bit about me. You can read the basics in my About link above. Here are some randoms that I may not have mentioned there.
1. I'm really shy in real life, but a bit more outgoing in the blog world.
2. I never liked coffee until this past year. My husband was away for a long time, and I was raising two kids alone. It's funny how my tastes changed out of necessity for caffeine. My favorite is German Chocolate Cake coffee kcup. My hubby is home, and I still drink it.
3. The only time I enjoy doing laundry is when it's sunny enough to hang it on the clothes line.
4. I've accidentally fallen into the bad habit of sleeping in my youngest son's bed when he wakes up at night. The kids and I are going to be visiting my family for a few weeks coming up, and we will probably be sharing a bed so I see no reason of breaking the habit just yet.
5. My favorite thing to do in summer is eat dinner outside on the deck.
6. I'm currently finding myself with a desire to do home improvements, but since we will be selling this home in about a year I don't want to spend any more money on it.
7. I watch too much TV. My current favorites include: Covert Affairs, Franklin & Bash, and Real Housewives of Anywhere.
8. I am really close with my family even though I live so far away from them.
9. I really want to start running. I hate running, but I want to like it. I'm going to really start working on it in August when I return from my trip. Running a 5k is on my To Do list.
10. I'm a planner. I like to have a plan for the future. I'm okay with it changing, as long as I have a plan to start with I'm happy.
11. I wish I could find a craft I'm really good at. I can barely work the sewing machine, and I lack in the creative ideas department.
12. I blog stalk lots of blogs, and I usually use people's blog rolls to find new ones. I hope to meet some new ones from this challenge. I want to add more blog friends to my blog roll.
That's a bit about me. I look forward to stopping by your blogs. I'd love to read your comments and have you follow along with me.
Happy 4th of July!

What a great challenge! I didn't hear of this last year so I'm gonna have to join in this year! I agree about the coffee part, I started drinking coffee this year and I don't see myself stopping. It keeps me going with three little ones! Have a great 4th, and thank your husband for his service! And thank you for being an Army wife! You all are awesome!
I came over from Jenna's Journey. Both my husband and I grew up in military families and he is also prior service. I love Covert Affairs too! And I have no idea how to work my sewing machine yet...LOL. I hope you and your family have a great 4th!
Stopping by from Jenna's Journey. I am a planner to and have lists all over my home and office of things I need to do. Happy 4th of July to you!
You inspired me to join the challenge...thanks for sharing about it! I must admit I haven't been commenting very much lately. Happy 4th!
Oh my- we DO sound alike! It is so nice to meet a new bloggy friend! :)
I also would like to start running... it sounds so great when people talk about/tweet/post/facebook about how much they run. I could probably not run a block! Ha! I'm really thinking about Couch to 5k or something... I'm just lazy. And it's HOT! lol
Visiting from Jenna's Journey!
I like your list of things. Very honest and I am too more open on my blog than in real life.
Hi Shelly! :) Thanks for dropping by to my blog.
I'm also a coffee lover but then lately, I only drink occasionally. I suddenly missed drinking when I saw this post. :P
Have a great day and stay lovely!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! We actually have a lot in common, curly hair, a love for real housewives, I hate running too, and I also stalk blogs. It's actually my favorite hobby!
As I read through your list, I kinda chuckled as so many I can relate too!! Looking forward to reading your blog more (as I blog stalk with the best of them HA!) Stopping by from Jenna's Journey)
Great list! I followed your blog. Your boys are super cute. Good luck with the 5K goal. I've ran a couple and I've never really liked running. Check out Couch to 5K. It's a great way to get started and work your way up.
I'm stopping over from Jenna's comment challenge. I really like "meeting" new bloggers too and am looking forward to participating.
I had fun reading some of your random tidbits!
If you want to pop over to my blog, it's
Just stopping by from Jenna's Journey. While reading your list I see we share a lot of similarities. I SO long to be creative and crafy but just don't have it. I can copy other's stuff okay but not a creative bone in my body.
No coffee??? I'd hate to think how many cups I've consumed in my lifetime and I totally agree with the washing line comment :) Might have to link up...
We're already co-followers but it's nice to learn a little more about you. I love to eat on the deck in the summer as well - we'll be working on a deck project soon, just a small one for now but I hope it's big enough for a little table and chairs.
Happy 4th of July Shelly! as you know you are the only person in my blog list,and you inspired me with to customized my blog.I am excited ..Kim is almost done with my header.I am like you,I like to run too,and wants to try it..
Stopping by from Jenna's!! I've just started drinking coffee recently too. Although, I don't have it every morning, just when I really need it! And it's not really coffee, it's the good kind loaded with chocolate, carmel, and sugar! :) Have a great week!
I have so much in common with you...I really want to run a 5k too. But I hate running. I tried to do the Couch to 5k but it was a big fail.I'm going to give it another try though. I also love the Real Housewives and watch way too much of it!I also find so many new blogs reading the blog it! I have just started drinking coffee recently too!! I'm stopping by from Jenna's. Have a great day!
I love to run!! You should do it!! Hoping over from Jenna's blog:)
Stopping from Jenna's Journey. I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July.
I am a planner too. I am a new subscriber.
We have a lot in common! I am more outgoing in the blogging world, I love eating outside, I watch way too much TV, I love to plan and I can't sew. Last year, I took up running due to peer pressure. In July, I got completely winded after running a quarter mile. In September, I ran my very first 5K. This year, I'm doing so much better! I will be running a 10K this fall! I'm so proud of myself and feel much better! You can do it too!
I wish I loved running too! I ran a couple of 5 k's about 3 years ago, but haven't since then. I'm trying to get back in to it. I need to find a race to set as my goal, it really helps with the motivation!
i love real housewives, too! it is definitely one of my guilty pleasures. i never watched miami, so i'm not too sad that it was not renewed. i think that oc or new jersey are my faves...but i'm a little partial to atlanta, too! :)
stopping by from Jenna's. that kcup sounds good, ive never seen it anywhere! I will have to try to find it so I can try it! :)
Stopping over from Jenna's.
I laughed at your "I love a plan." ME TOO. My husband gets so annoyed by this, but I like to at least have an outline if you will. :)
Stopping by from Jenna's!
Cute post! We have a lot in common. I love list and I also do the same stalking of blogs, haha =)
I totally understand how caffeine was needed. I love Kcups. They really help make a quick cup.
I too have my 7 year old climbing in bed with me since his dad has been deployed. I know, my bad, but they grow up so fast, and believe me he won't want to sleep in your bed when he's 15, so don't sweat it!
I love Franklin and Bash. It is so funny. I did now know if others had found this little gem of a show.
I stink at crafts and am jealous of anyone who can craft so easily. Ditto on the sewing machine thing.
blog stalk...I'll join you on that one. I think that is how i came across yours. Or maybe it was the comments. I also comment stalk. I just click on other people who have made comments to my blog friends.
I love the design of your blog!! Very chic and sophisticated :)
I'm stopping by from Jenna's. I like how you told us random facts about yourself :)
I'm also shy in real life but outgoing in blog world, ha! I've never put clothes otu to try outside... but it sounds lovely. We don't have any trees in our back yard, and I don't know if we could put posts out there since it's a duplez.
Hi! I'm stopping by from Jenna's blog.
We have a lot in common! I've just starting liking coffee, I'm totally shy in person but could "talk" someone's head off in the blog world, want to run, and have to plan everything. I don't have babies yet though. Ha ha.
Enjoy your day!
Stopping by from Jenna's Journey. You should definitely try running. I have run for years, and I have to say that the key to enjoying running is to stick with it long enough that it starts to feel easy. So stick with it for at least 2-3 months and you might find out that you really do love it.
Great list! We have quite a bit in common - especially our affinity for Real Housewives!
Thanks for participating in the challenge!!
Oh and I meant to say, you have a gorgeous blog! The design is so pretty!
Love your blog. Military wife here too. Although not so much a coffee lover. Running is awesome when you are in shape and used to doing so. I haven't run any decent distance in my life trained for a hard 12 weeks and ran a full marathon. If I can do that anyone can run.
Loved getting to know you! STopping by from the challenge. My blog is
Love the design of your profile and the title! I work at a daycare and I tell the kids all the time the importance of patience ;)
Stopping by from Jenna's!
Thanks for all the info, great getting to know you.
Love your blog! :)
WE have a lot in common and I love your blog! Awesome color scheme!!
This is a great post and a cute blog. I love the 12 things about you. :) My kids sleep in my bed, and my husband sleeps in my daughters room usually cuz he needs his sleep. Ha! :) But I know this CAN NOT go on forever. :) Have a great week.
I just got my husband to start drinking coffee about a year ago. I'm very influential. :)
Glad your Hubby is home! Raising two kids by yourself had to have been hard!
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