June 23, 2009


Yesterday Pat had a long day out in the field in full gear. Unfortunately for him, the heat, humidity, and sun were a brutal combination. When he called on his way home he was talking about how hot and tired he was. Then the conversation went like this:
Pat: I have one rule for tonight.
Michelle: Oh and what is that?
Pat: You can't say anything about sunblock.
Michelle: You got a sunburn didn't you? You didn't wear sunblock?
Pat: Yeah, but don't say anything, okay?
Michelle: Pat, I don't say it to annoy you. I love you and don't want you to end up with skin cancer. I only say it because I care.
He sure enough got burnt. His face was so red, well where his helmet strap and goggles weren't protecting him that is. It was almost comical looking because of all the various lines left from the gear. While we were out picking up fruit at Walmart I made sure to get him some SPF 70 for faces that says it helps repair sun damage too. I wish he would start listening to me about sunblock.

1 comment:

Devon said...

This makes me laugh.
I love that he told you not to talk to him about it! LOL

I was fussing at Rich the other day because we FINALLY got to do webcam where it actually connected for more than five seconds, and his face is very red and aged looking from all the sun! They freaking give them sunblock and he doesn't use it.

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