In the past, I've always been against the idea of my boys sharing a room. However, I know 3 bedroom houses are rather typical, and we don't know where we'll settle next. I'm coming to realize that if we ever do have another child, I'm actually really okay with the boys sharing a room. I think it could be really good, well, with moments of fighting of course. Sure there would be challenges with that, but it's not as scary a thought as I once thought it was. So maybe bedrooms will be something that I don't actually need two of for them.
I am so glad my boys have each other. At night when I am saying goodnight to Ryan (I put him down right before Sean), he asks to kiss "Baby Sean". I ask Sean if he'll go give Ryan a kiss. He nods an emphatic affirmative and runs to kiss his brother. It is a moment that melts my heart every night. Ryan is still trying to get used to Sean's open mouth-drooly kisses though.

How fun! I bet its just great watching them play together more. I know my little man could use a friend to play with, yay for siblings!
My sister and I shared a room through high school. We didn't need to but we wanted to! Sure we had kid-fights, but we are super close today! I wouldn't trade sharing a room with her for anything!
My sister and I shared a room until she hit about Middle school, then once we were both in HS I would have "sleep overs" in her room many nights.
(I like the idea of having an extra craft room/spare room)
My boys have shared for almost 18 months now. It can be hard at bedtime but overall it has been great :)
Love this post. My 3 boys 13, 12, and 8 share one room, although we have two empty bedrooms they refuse to use them. I guess boys who grow up together are close. I can't get mine to take their own rooms. Now girls, that's a different story.
My girls share room.They used to have their own room but I think it is good to not separate them then,i wont hear anything like.."this is my room,go to your room" type of thing.
My girls share a room now, and I think it drives me more crazy than anything lol. I always wanted them to share a room but now, eek I dunno how long it is going to last! haha. We hit the "must buy 2 of everything" stage about a year ago, and that is driving me bonkers too, especially when its a birthday or a friend gets one of them something and not the other - oh Lord! Lol.
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