While I would like people to read what I write, that isn't why I blog. I blog because I like to write. When I write about my days--the good parts and the big failures, it sometimes gives me a new perspective. I learn from my reflections. I find by documenting my life, I'm able to remember the blessings I have all around me. I also feel by sharing my life, it challenges me to live a better life. I really believe that everyone has a story that should be shared. All that aside though, one of the most important reasons for me that I blog is so that I can have a record of all the wonderful moments shared with my children and family. These moments pass by so quickly, and I don't want to forget any of them.
I realize I'll never be one of the popular mom bloggers. I'm okay with that. The reasons I blog far outweigh the value of popularity. That isn't to say I don't want people to read though. I've found some great blog friends. We follow each other's posts like we are real friends. Knowing that someone finds my life and thoughts worth taking a moment to read makes me feel happy, but whether it was 2 people (plus my family because they are devoted readers ;) or 400, I'm still going to write. Some may see my blog as boring, but it's my life and this is my blog. From here on out, I'm going back to my blogging basics--blogging for me because I enjoy it.

I 100% agree. I am always turned off by the 'follow me and I'll follow you" trend or the bloggers that bait people into following (e.g. you can only enter a giveaway if you're following on GFC) and such. it feels so dirty and fake. I am not one to have superficial relationships so maybe that is why I am so turned off to it? I'm not sure but perhaps I am just meant to be a renegade blogger. :)
Ohhhh shelly!! Your blog isn't boring! I always read your writing it is very honest and from the heart. I blog because I told my 41/2 year old I am making a book. -their book! That's why I post Picts of her and her sister and her step sister all the time because I want them to have something to read when they are able to read! I am still saving money to print it and make it a book and have it printed out on a hard bound.thank you for your post! Reminds me of somebody who criticized it's weird to post pictures of oneself on her blog! They find it weird and not normal to post my family's pict ...well they have their option to not read it right?? Have a blessed day my blogger friend!
I have been thinking about this a lot lately too Shelly! I started my blog as a way to document what was going on with my family and then I got all caught up in whether or not people were reading it! I'm glad I've met some of the people I have (like you!) but it's time to get back to why I'm blogging. For my family and documenting my kids lives. It'll make scrapbooking easier in the future! lol Oh, and PS..your blog isn't boring! I love reading it!
Sometimes I think when people blog from the heart, like you do, it makes me much more interesting than when they're doing it for entertainment value. I, too, get caught up in the wanting people to follow me at times, but my blog is a chronicle of our lives, something I have printed every year to pass down to my kids so they essentially have their entire childhood, pictures and all, bound in a series of books. Thanks for writing about this. It was a good reminder for me!
Great post! I think it's easy to get caught up in the stats and everything, but if you get overwhelmed by that, it takes a lot of the enjoyment out of blogging. I think we all need to take a moment and remember that while it can be a business for some, it can be fun for one and all.
Thanks for stopping by today and commenting on my design.
I agree 100%. I find myself having to take a step back and gathering myself. I am going to check out the blog you mentioned :)
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