I've done some decent shopping trips using coupons, but I'm far from one of those extreme coupon using people. I'm averaging about 47% savings at Kroger which isn't too bad. I enjoy matching my coupons up to sales.
The reason I think it is hard is because I've made some blunders. One week it was only an extra $2 spent because it was the wrong item, which really annoyed me. Today at Kroger I was shopping the "Buy any 10 participating items and Save $5" sale. I go with a meticulously written list. Unfortunately I lost $5 of savings when I didn't realize the shampoo that I was buying wasn't one of the participating items. I didn't realize until I was home that I only had 19 participating items instead of the 20 needed to add up to saving $10. GRRRRR!!!! What should have been $35 was now $40. :(
It makes me so upset to realize that I failed my shopping trip. I think I've decided to now put 21 items on my list for sales like this from now on. That way I may pay more for one item, but it will ensure the extra $5 savings which helps my bottom line.
Anyone else enjoy couponing? Any tips? Where do you get your good deals?

I have really tried to save money with coupons, but feel like I'm no good at it. I don't do any shopping around, so that probably doesn't help (I just like to do all my shopping at once at the commissary). Also, I feel like when I use coupons I end up with more junk/snack food, because "I had a coupon". I feel like we spend a lot of money on food, but I don't really know how to get around it and still eat healthy (instead of living on mac & cheese and cheap hotdogs).
I would love to coupon but right now with my overly active 1 year old and I'm 12 year old always needing something I just don't have time. Keep posting on your progress. I'm eager to see how you do!
I'm trying to coupon but It's difficult to get my hands on the actual coupons. I'm off to buy the sunday paper right now! If you have any tips I'd love to hear them!
I have been getting into it too. I have had a few Kroger mix ups as well. I have found though that I have to 1)Go without any kids 2) Make a very serious list 3) And triple check things like when they have the Buy X, save X.
My biggest issues have been not being able to find the product that I have a coupon for. That is just frustrating.
I love to coupon! I started about a year and a half ago, and it's taken me about that long to feel like I'm finally good at it! I have a binder and the whole nine yards! I now love to clip coupons and get ready for my shopping trips, but it took a while. My favorite places are now the drugstores. I have walked out of Walgreens and CVS with so many items for free or almost free that I get down right giddy. I was able to buy all of Brianna's school supplies today for only $5 because I had $14 in Register Rewards from Walgreens to use. It felt awesome!!! So keep it up! Oh, and read blogs like Krazy Coupon Lady, Money Saving Mom and Stockpiling Moms. They do weekly coupon matchups to weekly ads and do most of the work for you! That's my biggest time saver! Good luck!!!
join a coupon club. I have seen these popping up all over and am considering joining one myself. I am horrible at couponing although I'd love to be good at it, so like me, maybe a coupon club would help.
I love couponing, it's definitely time consuming, but I love getting a good deal! I've found that www.pinchingyourpennies.com is really helpful for grocery lists and www.hip2save.com is great for CVS, Walgreens, etc. Following you back!
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