March 8, 2011


Today I'm feeling stressed, and I'm not sure why.  I am feeling like I have so much going on and that maybe I am forgetting something.  I just feel a bit off today.  The funny thing is that I don't have much going on beyond normal.

One thing that may have caused this feeling is the fact that I learned Pat won't quite be home when we thought he would and that block leave is being pushed.  I know we are receiving a gift from the Army because he'll be deployed less than a year.  Unfortunately this change would affect our already booked vacation on block leave.  It was a stressful day.  Everything had been planned perfectly for the trip, and with the change everything was looking kind of second rate because the timing wasn't going to work out as well for us.  I was having a hissy fit and sulking for a few minutes in there.  Thankfully Pat was awesome and came up with a new plan that solved all the issues about the timing.  And we were able to change our reservation with no problem.  So everything has fallen into place again and this plan actually works out even better than the original one.

But...when things really start working out like this, I always feel the need to be looking over my shoulder waiting on the Army to change things around again.

I guess all that is reason enough to feel stressed.  Maybe I should do some yoga today to relax, and it might help me look better in my homecoming dress ;)

I'll tell you more about our vacation plans later.  


Ashley@LearningLifeAsLucy said...

It always just gets to be so frustrating when things are planned out and the army changes them all around. Going from military brat to wife, I've kind of learned to just never plan anything any more- which really stinks sometimes! I'm really happy for you though that he is still getting an R&R even though he's not deployed a year! Hopefully nothing changes for your guys again!

Erin said...

I think even if your are getting an early homecoming, you still get to be bummed when it gets pushed back!

Michelle Life Buy The Beach said...

all valid reasons for stress. So happy you will get a nice vacation soon.

Jessica said...

that would stress me too
so glad though that everything worked out =)
although, isn't it sad that we are always trying to prepare/be ready for those just in case things, dates, times change moments

Beth said...

Just found your it, by the way. I'm a Marine wife in Knoxville, TN (my husband is on his b-billet so he doesn't "deploy" but he's still gone all the time and he still answers to the USMC first). I'm also a dog-lover and a mommy. I can totally relate to your feelings in this post. I always say I never believe a date--I don't believe he's coming back until that bus pulls up! It's so tough when you are trying to plan...we have cancelled more than one vacation because the military changed our plans for us. Best wishes...and nice to "meet" you. I look forward to keeping up with your adventures!

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