First let me tell you a few things that attracts me to a blog. I like honesty. I like when the blogger is real and genuine. I want to feel like I am getting to know them. I seem to like blogs where the writer shares her faith. I enjoy reading from someone who is humble (even if they have thousands of readers). I need to be able to feel like I relate the them in some way or can learn from them.
Here are a few things I do not like on blogs. I hate when I feel like the author is trying to sell something or make money. It's okay to do that, but if that is all I'm getting from a blog I start to feel little used and like I'm reading an infomercial. I also am not so fond of the "I'm too cool for school" attitude some bloggers have (maybe you know what I'm talking about). And lastly I don't like the bloggers that are all about followers, popularity, or snarkiness.
So now that you know what I like and dislike, here are a few of my favorite blogs to visit.
1. Kelly's Korner Yes, this is her link up, and sure it seems like I'm kissing up, but the likelihood of Kelly actually seeing this is slim to none. That would be because Kelly has over 11,000 readers. Yes, you read that right, 11,000! And Kelly doesn't get readers from gimmicks. She doesn't blog for the popularity. She has all these people following her blog because she is REAL. She makes her readers feel like they are friends. She has incredibly strong faith. She is completely genuine in her posts. She blogs about her life, her kids, her faith, and is just someone that everyone can relate to. I also love her link ups. You can find such great people and ideas over there. If you haven't followed her yet, you are definitely missing out.
2. In This Wonderful Life Megan is such a positive writer. Even when she's feeling down, she still manages to see a silver lining. She doesn't often complain. Megan and her husband welcomed their first son, Cohen, in June 2010. He was born with a broken heart as she might say. He had a congenital heart defect. His time on earth was short, but he went to be with Jesus. Megan's faith carried her through such difficult times. Her strength is evident in her blog. And while there has been deep sadness for her family, it is not a sad story. Megan is the proud mommy of newborn twins. She's had quite a journey, and I am pretty sure it's going to continue.
3. Kari and Steven and Our Abundant Blessings I found Kari's blog on a blog hop. I cannot remember which hop it was, but I remember when I came across her blog I was struck by how similar we are. We have a lot of common interests like taking care of our families, getting better at housekeeping, saving money, and crafting just to name a few. She is also Catholic (like I am). She is someone that I would totally be friends with in real life if given the opportunity. Often times when she writes, it's as if we were thinking the very same things. She is probably one of the very few blogs that I've found where I really feel like I've found a personal friend.
4. Always Moving Forward Last but certainly not least is my in-real-life friend Alison. We met many years ago when our husbands were in the same Army unit in OK. I am so happy that we can stay connected through the blog world now that we live in different states. First check out her cute blog design, it makes me a bit jealous. The reason I truly love Alison and her blog is because despite a somewhat chaotic life style as an Army family, her top priority is being the best mother and wife that she can be. She puts her daughter's needs before her own. It is refreshing to find someone like-minded about raising children. While she has strong opinions on raising children and being a stay at home wife and mother she will NEVER push that on anyone. She is a kind woman and a great friend. She's also going to be having another big adventure soon as she moves across the country to a new home.

Thanks for all the great blog ideas! :) I became a follower of your blog! :) Erin
Can't wait to check all of these blogs out, they sound amazing!
I really enjoy following your blog - you share what is going on in your life, even when it is a struggle... which is exactly what led me to want to start blogging - to help me through the up and down times!!
Thanks for sharing these blogs!!
Hop'in by from 'Sit and Relax Weekend Blog Hop'. I'm following your blog now, wont you please come and follow me back?? ~KM
Krafty Max Originals
Oh my gosh Shelly! Thank you so much! I feel the same way! I remember mentioning to my husband one day something I had read on your blog and I said something along the lines of "Well, my friend Shelly.." and he was like "Who's Shelly?" I said "Well, she writes this blog that I found on a blog hop (I think it was the ultimate blog party at 5 minutes for moms) and I feel like we could totally be friends!" he just started laughing...sometimes they just don't get it! But thanks for the shout out! I'll be starting the new format this week so hopefully they'll be even more to love! Have a great week!
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