But that isn't all my blog is about. You will also find lots of laughs here too. I am the mother to two silly little boys. My oldest, Ryan, is 2 and my youngest, Sean, just turned 6 months. My boys are my world. I try to be the best mother that I can, but I sometimes fall short. I am very hard on myself as a parent. I struggle to have patience sometimes, especially with my son who is in the "terrible twos". Ryan is a very independent and stubborn child--I could say he takes after his father, but I think I'm just as bullheaded as my husband (if not more so). However, Ryan is also a very funny and loving little boy. He's faced a lot having his daddy gone for so much for his short life already. Although Sean is only 6 months, it is clear that he is a bit more laid back than his older brother. He's a very happy and social baby and is completely content just to be held and to snuggle, whereas Ryan is a nonstop active child.
So that is quite a bit about my boys, and very little about me. But it seems to go that way once you become a mother, huh? You talk about your children first and very little about yourself. But here is a little bit about me. I am Shelly. My husband and I met in college and have been married for almost 6 years. I am a real life Army wife. My life is nothing like the Lifetime TV show. I am sort of a homebody. I enjoy spending most of my time at home with the kids. I like to cook but am probably not so good at it. Thankfully no one in my house complains about it though ;) I really enjoy crafting--specifically scrapbooking and card making. I recently signed up to be a Stampin' Up!® Independent Demonstrator, mostly to fuel my hobby of cardmaking, but I like to think of it as something that could one day grow into a little way for me to get out of the house and socialize once in a while. I don't get much of that, especially when I am surviving a deployment. I've been blogging for a few years now. I use my blog to complain, show pictures of my cuties, brag about my crafts, and just to feel like I have someone to talk to and someone listening to me.
I've met some great blogger friends in the blogosphere. I think it is amazing the bonds that can be formed from what we share on our blogs. It is always nice to read about other people's lives, whether you can relate or even if you just want to experience things vicariously. I'd love it if you chose to follow my blog, and I'd love to follow yours. So I hope you take this opportunity to say hello and introduce yourself.

what a great intro into your life. I guess it never dawned on me that it is nice to update on your blog for new people that come.
I must say motherhood is the most thankless but rewarding thing you will do in your life. I always say if children came with manuals more people would have dozens. We do the best we can and hope they survive with a few graces and good manners.The bonus is if you still want to spend time with them after the teen years.
I love all three of my children and they make me so proud. They always tell me I will be paying for their therapy the rest of their life...and then they laugh and tell me they love me and I am the best mom because I cared enough to "be a mom" and not their friend.
Hi Shelly! Popping in from UBP to follow your blog. My dad recently retired from the Air Force after 42
years!! I can definitely relate to that! You can swing by my blog anytime and read me complaining about my 4 kiddos and hubby-LOL. Have a great nite! I follow you now!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
So nice to meet you! I'm sure it's got to be so hard when your hubby is deployed! You have two precious boys!
Bless your heart sweetie, wow 3rd deployment. I am so glad you stopped by from the party. I love meeting and supporting other military wives. Your boys are adorable! I'll be back soon ;)
Wow, a 3rd deployment. That has to be so hard on you and the kids. (I was an Air Force brat, so I can totally relate to the kids - but can not imagine how difficult it is as a spouse.)
Following now from UBP.
You have such a lovely blog. I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself! You are a strong mama!
Girl, I dont' know how you do it! Beautiful blog. I used to sell Stampin' Up too, sort of left it by the wayside but I really *should* get to making some cards one of these days. ;-)
Party on!
What a sacrifice your family is making for all of us- thank you! I enjoyed reading your post! Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you! I have two boys too (but they are no longer so little anymore). Definitely stubborn, though. I love scrapbooking, too, when I get to it. I love browsing the craft store looking for more pretty papers and things. Have fun with the UBP!
You have a beautiful blog! Thanks for stopping by and happy partying!
God bless your husband and your family! Thank you :)
I can't wait to read more as I look around! Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you have a chance!
~ Michelle
Our kids become our worlds, don't they? I have three little boys and I find myself describing myself as their mom our my husband's wife.
Stopping in from the party and following you(or at least, I think I did- google friend connect is hating me right now!)
I love love love your blog design! And the font! Thank you DH for his service for me.
Here from the blog party and would love for you to visit:
Stopping by from the UBP. You should visit my post for today (Not the UBP one the Red Friday one) to read about Red Friday if you are not already aware of it. It's about supporting the troops.
You mentioned Army Wives. I love that show. Did you know the new season starts on the 11th. Only 2 days away.
Nolie's Ultimate Blog Party Post
Stopping in from the #UBP10!!! So fun meeting and tweeting new bloggers!!
So sorry about your hubby going away! We will add him to our list of Military that we pray for and you with your little boys.
@Susieqtpies at Scraps of http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com
A new follower for SURE! wow... I am so thankful for his desire to serve our country. To him we are SOO thankful. Bless him!
Can't wait to browse and learn more
Your blog is so cute! I'm following you too. I enjoy meeting other military wives. I have a two year old son too. Have a wonderful weekend!
Finally getting to return the favor and check out your blog! It's so cute - as are all of your handsome men. :)
I'm excited to come back and check out your cards - I have dabbled in card making a bit too. I'm a follower now...I'll see you around the UBP! ;)
Now following you!
Saying Hi from the Ultimate Blog Party!
Visit my party post
I also have a whole bunch of giveaways going on if you wanted to check them out!
My Current Giveaways
Thanks for stopping by for the party! Nice to meet you! Please know that my thanks & prayers are with you and all our service families!
Enjoy the rest of the party!
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog :) We will be going through our 3rd deployment sometime before the end of this year. Glad to have found your blog :)
Great UBP10 post! I really like your blog...great content and it is very pretty! I am following you now so I'm sure I'll see you around soon!
Since the pie wasn't ready when you came by earlier, we thought you might like a bedtime snack...
Sweet Dreams! ~ Maria & Michelle @ FTSN
Hello! Stopping over from UBP. You have such a sweet family! Thank you for the sacrifices you make to serve our country. Good luck with your business. I have found direct sales works if you work with consistency to the level that will meet your goals. I would be happy to share - I've been in the business over four years. Have a blessed weekend!
Very cute blog and I hope your husband's deployment goes well and feels short!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
What a great post and look at your life....I love your blog design
Blog hopping and having a blast.....so many great blogs....This is a GREAT party.
I have a Fun $100 Gift Basket to give away and all it takes a comment.
I am number....294 and 295......
It is nice to meet a fellow red sox fan who understand what it is like to love a yankee fan :) You have such a beautiful family. I am so sorry that you will be facing another deployment soon. I can't even imagine, my husband goes away for 5 days on business and I struggle. I admire your strength. I am now following you so I hope to support you through this next leg. Enjoy this time together and I am glad you found me at the UBP :)
I'm a homebody too. :) Looking forward to following your blog!
Hi there!! Stopping by to party with you from UBP! So sorry to hear that your hubby is doing another tour....sending you my prayers for a safe and speedy return home! Sounds like you have a beautiful family!
I'm following you with both of my blogs, and would love to have you visit them when you get a chance!
One is my personal blog, Mother of Pearl It Is, and the other is my blog that features the best Top Sites and Blogs on the web through two Voting Topsites. Mommies Faves Top Sites and Blogs.
I would also love to invite you to join us at our new Mommies Faves Mom Bloggers Network as well! :)
Now back to the party, have fun!!
So happy to meet you! Really love your blog - I'm a new follower. I can't wait to get to know you better!
Hey there,
Thanks for following my blog, I just read some of yours and can't wait to read more. You sound like a very down to earth person, someone I'd like to get to know more. Good luck with your upcoming deployment, this is our third as well. A bit different this time though because as a Sailor he was always on a ship, now he's training with the Army to be on the ground. Very scary, but having blogging buddies going through it too helps me hold it together.
So, it's great to meet you and I can't wait to read more.
Hi Shelly! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi! We do have a lot in common, and I'll add one more, my sister-in-law's name is Michelle but we call her Shelly! I think we're meant to be friends :) I've added you to my Google reader so I'll be back! Blessings on your weekend and happy parting!
You have a pretty blog--love your buttons. I have been an SU demo for aout 1.5 years but stamped with SU for 10!! Swing by my blog anytime for inspiration. I try to keep it updated daily. And if you use one of my projects to do a local workshop, no need to mention where you got the idea--let them think you're absolutely fabulous!
Hi Shelly!
Stopping by from UBP. My nephew is in the Army too - thank you for the sacrifice you make!!!
I'm a fan of Army Wives on Lifetime (even though it may not be reflective of most army wives!), I'm glad you reminded me to record it tomorrow.
I'm a new follower, I hope you'll stop by and visit and decide to follow me back-
Please thank your husband for his service. I hope that your time apart goes by quickly and you have a great support group to be there for you!
Hope you are having fun at the BLOG PARTY!
Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
so nice to "meet" you!! You've sure got your hands full taking care of two little ones by yourself while hubby is deployed :)
Happy blog party!
Tara's View of the World $150 WaySpa.com Giveaway
Happy UBP 2010!
I can understand your tears. My husband is not in the army. He is in Australia. I came over for an extended holiday in the States with my family in Michigan. It is nearing 2 months. I miss him dearly. The Lord will sustain you both.
I wish we had prepared better for this time apart. Things like, hidden love notes around the house for him. I still want to send him a fun American care package. I have sent him letters and cards. We chat on MSN all the time. And webcam.
You have a support group, right? At least one girlfriend you can have a cup of coffee with and cry your eyes out if you need to? I hope you do.
Rest in the Lord.
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
I am so glad you came by my blog because I am in love with yours. Your intro was so good - I am now a follower. And we have something in common....two boys! Look forward to following your life story. And I am sorry your hubby has to go away again :(
Hey Shelly,
Stopping by via UBP!
I read that you are facing your 3rd deployment. I can't tell you how much we appreciate what your husband and other members of the Military do for our Country. My Dad is in the Military as well!
I'm off to finish looking over the rest of your blog!
Have a great week!
Thank you so much for stopping by - your boys are adorable! I can't imagine preparing for Daddy to leave, but I'm sure your little ones will keep you busy. Happy UBP!
Stopping by to say HI from the UBP! Sorry to hear about your husband's deployment but I'm glad you have your blog to connect with others and share your experiences!
loved reading all about you signed up to follow because with all you have going on I dont want to miss anything
I am stopping by from the UBP. Hope you are having fun. My hubs is an ex marine and he was deployed three times before he finally retired last year. Although at times it is tough, all will be well. Please come by and enter my giveaway. It ends today.
Happy Sunday!
Hi, Shelly. I'm here from the UBP. Your family is beautiful...and I love your blog design! Hope you can stop in at my place (#225 on UBP) this week: http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com/2010/04/2010-ultimate-blog-party.html.
Hey, stopping by for the party! Thanks for sharing about your life. I’m following you now so I hope to learn more about you and your blog soon. Here's my blog if you'd like to stop by and follow too if you like! http://intheknowgiveaways.blogspot.com
Hoping your hubbys deployment goes by quickly and safely! Nice to meet you and feel free to stop by my blog anytime! Happy party week!
Hi. Thanks for stopping by Simply Sweet Home! I'm very happy to have found your blog! I'd love for you to come back some time and link up for my Friday Favorites parties!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a very cute design as well!!!
Val at www.TruthbeTOldBlog.com
Hi Shelly!
Don't you just love Stampin' Up?!? I love being a demo. It's so fun!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog this UBP! I will be popping by more often for sure! I am always interested in what other demo's are doing (and new mommy demo's especially!)
Thanks again!
Hi Shelly,
Enjoy your evening. It was wonderful meeting you at this party.
Thank you so much for visiting my site! Your blog is just too cute! And I love your fonts:) It is so comforting to find other Army wife bloggers out there. My husband has been gone for a couple months and it still doesn't feel quite "normal" without him around. I will be sending you prayers as you prepare for your third deployment.
Thanks for visiting my blog! With a newborn I'm just visiting a few - especially those that visited me! But good luck hitting all of them... ;)
And good luck with the Stampin' Up thing. I'm a Creative Memories consultant because scrapbooking is definitely more my thing, but I don't think I'll be able to keep it up. Too high of product commitments. :( Bummer!
Nice to "meet" you!
Your blog is beautiful. Have a good time partying with UBP10. Stop by if you get a chance http://stopdropandrelax.com/blog/ And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at http://www.StopDropandRelax.com and Prepare To Be Pampered.
Hi Shelly, just partying on over from UBP!
I am also an Army Wife with 2 little boys...mine are(almost)1&3. My oldest has just started the 'terrible threes', so I can deffinitely relate there! ha!
Hope you enjoy the rest of the party & can stop by soon.
Hi Shelly! Just stopping in from the UBP! Love that picture of the rings around the baby's big toe! :-D My girls are also my world... following now so I can be sure to come back again later!!
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