September 23, 2010

Sad Day

Yesterday was a sad day for our unit and my friend. Her husband was wounded in action. He needs a LOT of prayers right now. She and her family have a long journey ahead of them, but she is very strong and has a great support network of friends. My heart goes out to her.

I cannot sleep tonight. This deployment is wearing on me. The phone calls from Rear D are coming too often. I am thankful that Pat has a "safe" job right now, but it is impossible to take comfort in that fact while I am watching so many other spouses deal with the unimaginable. Dealing with all this so often as the FRG leader is just making me terrified for when Pat switches into the "not so safe" job in a couple months.

Do not read this the wrong way; I have not lost faith. I am so sad for the families that have been so affected. I am nervous that our unit still have many more months left over there. And naturally I worry about my spouse no matter what.

Yesterday was a hard day for my boys too. Because of everything that happened, we spent most of the day running around. They were little troopers, but it was a very hectic day for them too. Here's hoping I can get more sleep and wake up to a much better day.


Jessica said...

saying an extra prayer for all of you!

Unknown said...

Praying God's protection over them all.

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