March 23, 2008

Red Sox Bunny

Happy Easter! Pat is such a great hubby and daddy. He made me and Ryan an Easter basket. I got a white chocolate bunny and Ryan got a stuffed bunny holding a baseball. I've told Ryan that it is a Red Sox Bunny that says, "Yankees Suck". Pat isn't too happy that I'm saying the bunny is a Red Sox Bunny, but Ryan likes it that way.

Ryan hasn't been sleeping well lately. We think he doesn't like being alone in his crib. I've been up for most of the night the past few nights. I'm totally exhausted. Today I had a headache and going to church didn't help much. There were so many kids running around crazy and shouting. Ryan better not act like that when he's older.

Knock on wood, Ryan is down pretty well tonight. I really hope that I get to sleep somewhat through the night. Pat and I have a lot of errands to run tomorrow, and I need some rest.

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