I found THIS tutorial for the flowers, and it is way better than what I'm going to show you.
Here are some photos of how I made mine.
I started with a piece of felt folded in half. For this large yellow floppy flower the fabric was about 5.5" wide before folding. I varied the sizes of all my flowers though as I made more of them.
I then cut the non-folded side about 3/4 of the way down toward the fold. I did these cuts down the whole length of my felt.
Starting at one end roll the felt piece up, keeping it folded in half. It should look something like this.
To secure your rolled up felt you should take a needle threaded with some embroidery floss and make a couple of stitches through the entire roll. This is much easier than you might think.
Tie your ends off and flip over your felt flower. Spread out the "petals".
You could leave it as is or add some sort of embellishment to the center. I decided to sew a button in the center of mine.
To make a loopy flower you follow very similar directions as the floppy flower above. When cutting the strips into the piece of felt this time you will cut the folded side going 3/4 of the way toward the unfolded sides.
Keep the felt folded and roll it up. Then stitch the rolled part like you did above.
Fluff your loops and your flower is complete.
Next I did some roses. I did two wavy roses and one regular, and to be honest I couldn't really see much of a difference because my roses were fairly small. For the wavy roses cut a "wavy" circle about 4" in diameter. (Regular roses use a 4" clean cut circle)
Then cut a spiral down to the center of your felt. Make the spiral wavy if you are doing the wavy rose.
Starting at the outside part of your spiral, start rolling the felt until you reach the center part. I put a few stitches in through the bottom to hold the layers of the rose together.
When I was buying my materials I was at Joann Fabrics. I saw some really nice wreaths, but the prices were pretty high. They did have a gorgeous burlap covered wreath that would have been perfect, but I was not paying $35+. I opted for this $2.99 straw wreath.
I got my felt flowers and hot glue gun and started to glue the flowers onto the wreath.
And at the end, I had a handmade felt flower wreath like I'd always wanted to make.
Linking up:
1 comment:
Very cute Shelly!
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