Yesterday Pat and I took the kids to walk the Clarksville Greenway. For those that don't know exactly what a Greenway is Merriam-Webster says, "a corridor of undeveloped land preserved for recreational use or environmental protection." The Greenway here is a paved path through the woods, and it is a relatively new attraction. It was opened this past fall and is absolutely beautiful. The trees form a canopy over the path. Off to the sides the path either looked up a stony cliff, which seemed majestic, or down a cliff to open fields and streams. I've heard deer are a common sight, but we didn't see any. We brought some sandwiches to enjoy a picnic. While I would love to go back, poor Sean got way too hot. My little baby gets so red in the face. I think we'll do better on a cooler day.
And the last new thing to talk about is last night Pat and I watched New Moon. I wasn't too excited because I thought the first movie, Twilight, had been butchered. I was so pleasantly surprised at this movie. It followed the book pretty well, much better than Twilight did. Pat was a very good husband to watch with me. He hasn't read the books and isn't all that interested. I think, however, that I was able to convince him that team Edward is the way to go. (You may not agree, but I don't want to hear it ;)
I always remember when my little guys use to overheat. Something to do with their not sweating very well.
Bet it was fun to get outside and enjoy the time together.
I LOVE your craft place!
Isn't it fun to have a place to actually call your own? Like the rest of the house doesn't count.LOL
I think your cards are wonderful sweetie! I don't think there are ever mistakes, just interesting details or ways of showing. If it was perfect no one would believe you made it.
Have a great day sweetie!
The greenway sounds lovely. Sorry the little guy overheated. I'm jealous that you're feeling any heat, we got snowed on again!
Those pictures of your boys, TOO CUTE! I just had my first son in May!!
I too thought Twilight was pretty bad. But I watched New Moon, with the hubs too and he "tolerated" it but I thought it was so much better than the first one. Aren't those books awesome?????:)
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