I'm back from the u/s. Since the u/s was done by a technician, I have to wait for the radiologist to write a report to know if everything looked good. However, when Pat asked, the tech said that things were looking well formed so far. So I'm still crossing my fingers that nothing shows up. Our baby was measuring at 20w 6d, which puts my due date around Oct. 7.
If you had asked me and Pat at the beginning of the pregnancy what gender we'd want, (if we would even admit it) we would have said another boy. Pat loves having boys, I think it makes him feel masculine. I wanted to have another boy because I like the idea of having a brother for Ryan, and I feel very comfortable raising boys. However, after a while in the pregnancy, we began to think that I may be having a girl because of the difference in this pregnancy and Ryan's. This time around I was less sick than with Ryan. I was extremely nauseous all day long, but I wasn't throwing up. The morning sickness also didn't last as long as it did with Ryan. I am carrying differently than I did with Ryan. However, there are some similarities between the pregnancies such as cravings, huge appetite, and overall feeling like a green whale. So Pat began thinking it probably was a girl, and I was pretty convinced myself. Lately though I've been telling Pat that I'm not sure what I'm having because a part of me still thinks it could be a boy. And as Pat put it, his thoughts were that the chances were about 51% girl, 49% boy.
So I'm sure you are wanting to know what our little baby is. It's a...
The tech stopped on the money shot and I saw it right away. She said, "I hope you are wanting a boy." Pat must not have been able to see it right away because his eyes got all big as he sat straight up and asked, "Really?!!?" We pointed it out to him, and he was so happy. I was laying on the table, and he kept squeezing my foot. We asked the tech if she was sure, and while they won't allow her to say 100%, she said she's 99% sure and that if that wasn't a penis, our baby has some problems. The only bad part is that the tech isn't allowed to take a photo of the money shot so we have no proof to show anyone. I did get a few good photos of the baby as a whole though. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to scan one to show on here, and maybe by then we'll be settled on the name.
There were a few signs recently that we were having a boy though. This weekend every time Pat was feeling the baby kick or talking about it, Pat kept referring to it as "he". I had found bedding that I wanted if it was a boy, but this weekend it went out of stock. However, this morning before I left I got an e-mail to say it was back in stock. Lastly, was that last night I had a dream that we had the u/s, and it was boy. (This last one may have been a dream induced by watching Tori and Dean though).
We are completely over the moon. Now we can tell Ryan that he's going to have a little brother. I am so excited about having two wonderful, little boys to run around and wrestle with.